The Good Life

"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." Matthew5:3 NIV

Jesus, in this verse is not talking about being materially poor. He’s not talking about having a bad self-image or anything like that. To be poor in Old Testament terms is to be weak and helpless, to be dispossessed, and to be unable to defend or take care of yourself. But more than that, the poor are those who know their own need. They know that that they’re bankrupt, and because they know their own poverty they trust in God as their only hope. 

Declaration Prayer: Dear Lord, in my efforts to be self-sufficient, ultimately, I fail. By your grace, I realize just how much I need you. So I come to you today, not full of riches or full of myself, but empty, needy, truly poor in spirit. And you, Lord, meet me in my poverty. I pray and declare this in Jesus' Name. Amen.

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