Pastor Callie Martin has been in ministry since 2009. He began in Youth Ministry and served on the eldership team at his previous church. In 2012, he married Roxanne.
Roxanne has served in various ministry roles at her previous church and at Sweetwaters Full Gospel Church (SWFGC). She is currently the Principal of Little Sprouts Preschool, a ministry of SWFGC. Roxanne is passionate about educating young children and sharing the knowledge and love of Jesus with them. She also leads our Sweetwaters Junior Church and has served alongside Pastor Callie in Youth Ministry.
Pastor Callie and Roxanne became members of SWFGC in 2013, where they began serving in Youth Ministry. In 2015, Pastor Callie joined the church council, and in 2016, he started his theological studies through Hebron Theological College. He was then appointed Youth Pastor of SWFGC.
In 2018, Pastor Callie was tasked with launching and leading our "Church in the Mall" campus. He graduated with a Bachelor of Theology degree from Hebron in 2019, then completed a bridging course at Full Gospel Bible College in 2020. After completing his probation period at SWFGC, he was appointed Senior Pastor in 2022.
Senior Pastoral Couple
Young Adults Pastor / Media Team Pastor
Youth Director
We express our love to God through presence driven worship. We demonstrate our love to others, by building strong families, by being planted in the local church and reaching our community with God’s love.
We believe in the importance of God’s Word for our growth, both in our personal devotion times, as well as during the corporate gatherings. Every Sunday, the preaching of God’s Word is both inspired and anointed, accompanied by the demonstration of God’s miraculous restoration power.
We believe that everyone has a gifting that God has given them to serve people and build the local Church. We help people discover their gifting, equip them and release them to serve and impact the lives of others.
We aspire to live out these core values with complete dependence on the Holy Spirit knowing that without His empowerment, our efforts are futile.
We believe the Church is built on the foundation of God’s revealed Word with Jesus Christ being the central focus.
We aim to become an increasingly diverse church because a unified diversity reflects the heart of God and benefits us all.
Knowing that without faith it is impossible to please God, we seek to be a people marked by bold faith.
Emerging leaders are the future of the Church and we seek to empower emerging leaders to participate in God’s global purposes.
We believe it is our responsibility and privilege to introduce people to Jesus.
We believe the Christian life was designed for community. As we grow in our commitment to Christ our horizontal relationships are strengthened.
We believe God opens our eyes to brokenness and injustice as we are permeated with the hope of Christ.
We believe God changes us from the inside out through grace.
We believe God has charged us to be on a mission. We give of our best to expand the mission and generously engage the world around us.
We believe God calls us to strive for excellence. We seek to honor God in response to grace not to earn it.