Who We Are

The Senior Pastor

Pastor Callie Martin has been in ministry since 2009. He started in Youth Ministry and served on eldership in his previous church. In 2012 he married Roxanne.

Roxanne has served in many areas of ministry in her previous church as well as in Sweetwaters Full Gospel Church. She is currently the Principal of Little Sprouts Pre- School, which is a ministry of SWFGC. Roxanne has a passion for educating young children and imparting the knowledge and love of Jesus to them. She also facilitates our Sweetwaters Junior Church. Roxanne has also served in Youth Ministry alongside Pastor Callie.

Pastor Callie and Roxanne became members of SWFGC in 2013 where they began serving in Youth Ministry. In 2015 Pastor Callie joined the Church council and in 2016 he commenced his theological studies through Hebron Theological College and was then appointed the Youth Pastor of SWFGC.

Pastor Callie was appointed to launch and lead our "Church in the Mall" campus in 2018. He then graduated with his Bachelor of Theology degree through Hebron in 2019 and began the bridging course through the Full Gospel Bible College, which he completed in 2020 and began his probation period, serving at SWFGC. On completion of his probation in 2022, Pastor Callie was appointed Senior Pastor of Sweetwaters Full Gospel Church.

With the Main Church in Winklespruit, and the

Church in the Mall campus in Galleria Mall,

Sweetwaters Church is an oasis where all are

welcome to come and drink from the Living Water.

Who We Are

Meet Our Team


Pst. Callie & Roxanne Martin

Sweetwaters Church

Senior Pastoral Couple

Pst. Adam Cruickshank

Church in the Mall Campus Pastor

Worship Pastor / Life Group Pastor

Chris Flannery

Youth Director

Our Vision

Transforming and Uniting Generations to release God's Kingdom and Power to Amanzimtoti, our country and to the nation.

We Value Love

A true Generational Church cannot exist without love. God is love and we desire His love to permeate the way that we relate to each other and the way that we do church life. At Sweetwaters Church you will find a Culture of Honour, where we believe that every person carries great value, with this is mind we honour up, honour down and honour all around. Our Church life is structured around people discovering and cultivating a passionate love for God rooted in the passionate love that He has shown us.

We Value Family

You cannot separate Generation and Family. In a family environment, we see generations being united. At the heart of the Gospel is the message of Sonship, where we become part of God's family, called Sons and Daughters of God where we can approach God as a loving Father who delights in us. Family reflects the beauty of the relationship that Father God has with His Children. Family is at the core of all that we do. At every Sunday Service allowance is made for parents with children. We have Baby and Toddler Rooms situated at the back of the church, which are fully equipped with sound as well as toilet and changing facilities. We have a Kids Church program that runs during the Sunday morning 8AM service. As a church, we love and celebrate family. 

We Value Presence-Driven Worship

We have a Worship team who desires above all else to allow people to experience the presence of God. As a church, we believe in the Holy Spirit and will always prioritize allowing Him to move and have His way on any Sunday. We have seen people being healed, set free and most of all encountering the love of the Father during times of worship. As a church we would love everyone to worship God in their own unique way, however, we believe that it is vital that each one gets involved and express their love for God during times of worship during Sunday Services. We are called to be participators – not spectators.

We Value the Miraculous

At the very heart of all that we do, we believe in the extravagant goodness of God! We worship a God that delights in His Children and for whom nothing is impossible. We believe that God still heals, delivers and sets people free to walk out their calling and identity on earth. We believe in the Infilling & Baptism of the Spirit with the evidence of Speaking in tongues. We believe in the power of prayer & after every service, there will be a time of prayer where our prayer team will personally pray for you. We encourage you to get involved in one of our Church Prayer times half an hour before each Sunday Service. Prayer unleashes the power of God into the world that we live in!

We Value Inspired & Anointed Preaching

Our pastors spend time in God's presence seeking a 'now Word' from God for the church. We believe that all Scripture is God breathed and believe Scripture to be our final authority. We will preach the Word of God to build up, encourage, challenge and correct so that we can equip all Christians to walk in the fullness of God for their lives. We encourage you to be planted in the house and committed to Sunday Services.