Psalmist's Playlist

Psalmist's Playlist Part 4: Psalm 118


Psalm 118 is a timeless reminder of God’s unwavering love. As we conclude our series on the Psalms, this passage invites us to meditate on the enduring love and faithfulness of God—truths that can carry us through life’s challenges.

Psalm 118 is structured as an antiphonal psalm, meaning it was meant to be read responsively, with the people of God echoing praises to one another. In ancient times, this psalm, along with others from Psalm 113 to Psalm 118, was part of a set known as the “Egyptian Hallel” psalms. These were sung to celebrate God’s deliverance of Israel from Egypt, reminding generations of His saving acts. This tradition continued with Jesus and His disciples, who would have recited these psalms together during the Passover meal before Jesus’ crucifixion.

The core refrain of Psalm 118 is simple yet profound: “His steadfast love endures forever.” This phrase appears multiple times, emphasizing that God’s love is not fleeting but constant, through every high and low. Repetition here is not just poetic; it serves to embed this truth in our hearts, especially for times when we might forget it.

The Power of Repetition

Repetition is a powerful tool in shaping what we know and believe. We often remind children of essential lessons repeatedly so they remember them: “Don’t talk to strangers,” “Remember your lunch,” and “You are loved.” Similarly, Psalm 118 reminds us repeatedly that God’s steadfast love is unwavering, regardless of our circumstances. This truth serves as an anchor when life feels unstable or overwhelming. When we face challenges—be it financial struggles, health issues, or relational problems—the repetition of this psalm serves to reinforce that God’s love remains unchanged.

The Need for Constant Reminders

In 2 Peter 1:12-15, Peter speaks of the importance of continually reminding believers of foundational truths, so they are not lost or forgotten. The same applies to the message of Psalm 118. Repeated truths prevent spiritual amnesia; they reinforce our understanding of God’s enduring love, especially in times of trials. Whether today’s challenge is uncertainty or heartbreak, we can rely on the enduring message of Psalm 118: God’s steadfast love never ceases.

“The Lord Is on My Side”

Another powerful truth from Psalm 118 is found in verse 6, “The Lord is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me?” This verse has often been misused to justify selfish agendas, but its true meaning lies in God’s covenant promise. Even when we turn away from Him, He remains faithful. God is for us—not in the sense of endorsing our every action, but as a faithful guide and protector who calls us back to His love.

God as Our Helper

Verse 7 introduces God as our “helper,” a term first used in Genesis 2:18 when God created a helper suited for Adam. In Psalm 118, God adopts this role, offering intimate, unwavering support. He is with us like a close companion, ready to help us in our moments of need. This reassurance can carry us through seasons of hardship, reminding us that we are never alone.

The Sacrificial Love of Christ

In verse 27, we encounter a poignant image: “The Lord is God, and he has made his light to shine upon us. Bind the festal sacrifice with cords, up to the horns of the altar!” While the Jewish audience originally understood this verse in the context of sacrificial lambs, Christians see in it a foreshadowing of Christ’s sacrifice. Jesus, reading this psalm on the night of His betrayal, would have understood it as foretelling His own path to the cross. Through His sacrifice, God’s love became tangible—a love willing to endure even death for our sake.

Conclusion: His Love Endures Forever

Psalm 118 closes with an exclamation of gratitude: “You are my God, and I will give thanks to you; you are my God; I will extol you. Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his steadfast love endures forever!” These words lift us beyond our immediate struggles, helping us see the broader picture of God’s unending love and faithfulness.

Through repetition, we internalize this message. Psalm 118 invites us to hold onto God’s steadfast love as a constant, immovable truth—a reminder that, no matter what we face, His love truly endures forever.

Watch the full message here!