
Advent Part 6 : The Greatest News of All Time

Greater: A Year of God’s Abundant Promise

As we close 2024 and prepare to embrace 2025, it’s an opportunity to reflect on the theme that defined our year at Sweetwaters: GREATER. Throughout the year, we witnessed God’s goodness in extraordinary ways. From personal milestones like new businesses, promotions, and physical healing to collective moments of spiritual growth, God’s favor has been evident.

Some might question whether these blessings align with God’s Word. To that, we turn to Romans 8:31-32:

“What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but gave Him up for us all—how will He not also, along with Him, graciously give us all things?”

This passage reminds us of two fears we often face:

1. The Fear of Opposition

“If God is for us, who can be against us?”

God’s support means He has a personal interest in you. Isaiah 49:16 captures this beautifully:

“Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of My hands; your walls are continually before Me.”

In ancient times, walls symbolized safety and security. Today, these “walls” could represent your job, family, or relationships. Even when these walls feel broken, God sees your struggles and promises restoration. He stands with you in every battle, offering His unshakable presence and power.

Psalm 124:2-5 echoes this truth:

“If it had not been the Lord who was on our side… then the flood would have swept us away.”

No opposition—whether fear, pain, or rejection—can stand against God’s unwavering support.

2. The Fear of Limitation

“He who did not spare His own Son… how will He not also graciously give us all things?”

God did not withhold His most precious gift—Jesus Christ. The full weight of sin was poured out on His Son so that we could experience freedom and life. If God gave us His very best, how much more will He provide for our needs?

This truth addresses the fear of lack. You might feel inadequate, overwhelmed, or as though you don’t have enough. Yet, God assures us that His blessings are abundant. Peace, forgiveness, hope, encouragement, and protection are all part of His provision.

God’s plan might not align with your expectations, but His gifts are perfectly timed and tailored to your needs.

Grace for the Humble

In moments of weakness, when you feel distant from God, His grace is most powerful. James 4:6 reminds us, “God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.”

God invites you to bring your disappointments and unmet longings to Him. Run to Jesus in prayer, in work, and in daily life. It is in surrendering your heart to Him that you will find strength, purpose, and the fullness of His “greater” promise.

As we step into 2025, trust in the One who gave everything for you. Greater things are still to come.

Watch the full message here!