Advent week 2

"But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God. You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus.” Luke 1:30-31 NLT

Many things in life overwhelm us and cause us to tremble, confused and afraid, like Mary. We face immovable mountains, impassable seas, and incredible storms and wonder how God will make a way for us. In the Christmas story, God is telling us, “Do not be afraid” when it comes to the impossible.

When God calls you to do the unimaginable as He did with Mary, you can overcome the fear by replacing it with faith, accepting and trusting His purpose and plan for your life.

Declaration Prayer: Lord, we know that You are not a man that You should lie. So, we will stand on Your Word and put all of our faith and confidence in You. We declare that we will trust You with our finances, families, businesses, relationships and every other area of our lives. In Jesus' Name Amen

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