Psalmist's Playlist

"How long will you forget me, Lord? Will you forget me forever? How long will you refuse to accept me? 2 How long must I wonder if you have forgotten me? How long must I feel this sadness in my heart? How long will my enemy win against me?"

Psalm 13:1-2 (ERV)

David is crying desperately for God. He felt like God had forgotten about him. He was in a situation that felt like he couldn’t deal with anymore and his song is one of despair. I would imagine that everyone of us has experienced feelings of despair and being troubled in spirit. Understand this although David was having these feeling of feeling alone and forsaken, deep down David knew God is still active.

God’s silence never means His absence.

Declaration Prayer:

Heavenly Father, I declare today that I have great value in God’s sight, and He hasn’t forgotten about me. I will put all my trust in Him and believe His Word, which says His plans for me are good. I pray and declare this in Jesus' Name. Amen.

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